Online Bookings form: Bookings InformationName of event *i.e. my moms B-day or Mysteryland || naam van uw evenementPerformance date *What date will your event take place? || Wat is de optreed datum?Artist Budget *What is the budget you have available to book this artist? || Wat is uw beschikbaar budget?Showtime *What time do you want our artist to perform at your event? || Hoe laat vindt het optreden plaats?1>Other artists and dj's in your line up Wie treden er nog meer op/draaien?Venue name *Naam locatieVenue capacity *Capaciteit van uw locatieVenue postal code, city *i.e. 2300 HaarlemVenue Country *i.e. Aruba>Bookers (company) info || Uw informatie:Your full first and lastnames *Uw volledige voor- en achternaamI am a... *(bent u een bedrijf of privé persoon)BusinessPrivate personCompany name (invoice) Uw (Bedrijfs)naam (voor op de factuur)My company’s V.A.T. Number: Tax registration number (BTW nummer) My Adress (Invoice) *Uw adresMy postal code and City *Uw postcode en woonplaatsCountry *LandEmail *Uw E-mail adresMobile Phone *Extra's I want to book If you want to make use of one of the interesting services we sometimes add to a booking just check one of the boxes below. powered by: #PartyGirlsAgency I need a Promovideo for my event ( need a radiocommercial for my event ( need an aftermovie for my event ( VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12Deze ruimte is voor spam beveiliging - a.u.b. blanko laten: